Client Overview

Client is a prominent downstream and petrochemical energy industry company operating globally, with a workforce of over 5000 dedicated professionals. Committed to excellence, client prioritizes employee satisfaction and has implemented various initiatives to foster a positive work environment.

The Challenge

    Primary Challenge:
  • shakepe_act Blue-collar workforce motivation posed complexities in designing effective incentive programs.
  • shakepe_act Tailoring rewards to physically demanding tasks required a thoughtful and strategic approach.
  • Transition to Physical Gift Cards
  • shakepe_act Shifting from physical gifts to gift cards introduced challenges in sourcing from diverse brands.
  • shakepe_act Managing logistics for procuring and distributing varied gift cards demanded careful planning.
  • Security Concerns for Gift Cards and Vouchers
  • shakepe_act Client expressed worries about the security of codes associated with gift cards.
  • shakepe_act Ensuring confidentiality and protection of codes was crucial to prevent unauthorized access or misuse.

The Solution

In response to these challenges, client turned to ShakePe for a comprehensive solution – the Rewards Links Program. This innovative initiative addressed the complexities of motivating a diverse workforce by introducing personalized rewards links. With a dedicated account manager overseeing campaign design and scheduling, client could tailor incentives to various employee segments. The introduction of pre-fixed branded gift vouchers in these links allowed recipients the flexibility to choose from a wide array of brands and denominations, streamlining the transition from physical gifts. Distribution via email, WhatsApp, and SMS added a layer of convenience, contributing to a more efficient and employee-friendly reward system. The Rewards Links Program not only tackled the sourcing challenges but also provided a secure and flexible solution that met the unique needs of client's workforce.

Key Features

  • shakepe_points

    Personalized rewards links for secure and convenient distribution.

  • shakepe_points

    Inclusion of PINs for an extra layer of security.

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    Minimal dependency on vendors, leading to a more systematic and process-oriented approach.


The implementation of ShakePe's Rewards Links Program resulted in a complete overhaul of client's Rewards and Recognition (R&R) system. The system, now fully updated and robust, signifies a significant leap forward in efficiently acknowledging and rewarding employees. The process became instant, secure, and systematic, marking a departure from the earlier manual and time-consuming methods. With the introduction of ShakePe's platform, client experienced a reduction in dependency on external vendors, contributing to a more streamlined and self-sufficient approach to managing their employee reward initiatives. This transformation enhanced overall efficiency, providing a seamless and contemporary solution to client's evolving needs in employee recognition and satisfaction.


  • shakepe_points

    Seamless and secure solution for digital employee rewards.

  • shakepe_points

    Effortless distribution of personalized links, ensuring rewards reach the right beneficiaries.

  • shakepe_points

    Increased employee satisfaction and motivation.

Client Satisfaction

 ShakePe's platform eliminated manual distribution hassles and concerns about pilferage.
 Highly recommended by client for organizations seeking a user-friendly and secure solution for digital employee rewards.


  • shakepe_act ShakePe's Rewards Links Program has significantly enhanced employee satisfaction and streamlined client's R&R process.
  • shakepe_act A testament to the success of ShakePe's solution, resulting in a motivated and happier workforce.

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